
Company Profile

Armed  with its mission, EXCELLENT group moves forward on  the vast road of medical  science since its establishment  in 2003. 

EXCELLENT group has always adhered to its business philosophy of innovation and development, absorbing the advanced technology both at home and abroad. 

It bases itself on the field of medical dressings and closely centers on the needs of medical staff and patients.  It takes basic nursing, surgical infection precaution, and rehabilitation nursing as essentials, and continuously expands into  fields of disease control and protection, personal care, first aid protection, and healthy consumption, extending  in both the depth and breadth of the product line. 

Now the group is an enterprise professionally in R &D, manufacturing, and sales. 

The own factories at home and abroad provide business partners the best market competitiveness and sufficient  supply capacity. 


Contact Us

Address:1539 Xiangcheng Road, Yuanhe street, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou
Excellent Medical Technology Group Co.,Ltd
Copyright ? 2021-2028
Excellent Medical Technology Group Co.,Ltd
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